17 July 2024
On 3 July over 250 people from around the Park turned up and joined in on a tennis-themed Summer Social despite the cool weather.
It was good to see people tucking into the local fare served up by resident on-site caterer Valentine Foods with some classic salads and BBQ specialities, as well as the other local food operators in Uggy’s Pizzas and Surf ‘n Fries to offer some really great choice. Dessert was of course strawberries & cream with Wimbledon being streamed live on a big screen all set to the background summer sounds from local Grove DJ – Musik Machine.
Meanwhile lots of enthusiastic people were up for a go at the tennis serving speed competition, with a whopping winning serve of 102 mph!
The afternoon garnered great feedback and Park owner Oxford Endowment Fund was delighted with the turn out: “We’re trying to build something special here at Grove Business Park with a real community for everyone on site and an exciting proposition as a place to grow with new space to attract more quality businesses and jobs. It was a really enjoyable afternoon and we plan to bring people together more often like this as the project advances.”

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